2 min readI had recently sat through a sermon where the pastor taught that as long as we are on this side of planet earth, challenges will always come our way, in fact, it is inevitable for you to do life without going through challenges (storms of life). But then, going through it is not as important as how you deal with it.
Truly speaking, you cannot fully comprehend the depth of a life challenge until you experience it yourself. You can only imagine, and this varies from one human being to another. Challenges differ and can come in different way. For instance, loss of a loved one, or a job or even the loss of a relationship etc..
It is most often a stepping stone that ushers us into God’s best for our lives at the time and this can only happen if and when we choose to be BRAVE.
BRAVE is you being daring, courageous, fearless, bold and also able to endure while you push through life’s challenges. BRAVE is you saying “I will love again” even after the loss of a relationship.
BRAVE is you saying, “I won’t let this grief consume me, I’ll give myself time to mourn my loved and hold on to every memory we share and do better with my life because I know this is what they would want for me”.
BRAVE is you sending out that proposal or honing that skill instead of wallowing in self-pity after losing your job.
BRAVE is you accepting that you may have failed but never afraid nor embarrassed to start again.
BRAVE is you being audacious. It is you trying again and again and again.
If you don’t grow to a certain level, certain things will not open up to you (DEUT 31:6). Be brave with your life, God takes you seriously, so take yourself seriously.
Written by Ini and Ada.