October 5, 2024

When you see another woman, abeg, try commot eye next time!!!

Are you asking why you need to?

Okay hold on a minute I would like to talk about the commot eye part first but before then as a woman, you do not need to be judgmental of another woman.

Let that woman breathe, she may not have her life sorted, she may look shabby, and she may not be as poised as you, but she is just a woman who is trying to get her life together.

Please let her breathe, commot eye for her body.

There is so much you can do for that woman who you know is going through a hard phase in her life at the moment, rather than being judgmental, you could be more kind.

Look away if your options are to be judgmental of her.

Oh! Did I hear you say it is hard to look away?

Wouldn’t it be nicer if you asked how you could help in any way rather than Judge?

One time last year, I was having a conversation with an acquaintance and this was the subject “Why are women so judgmental?” we obviously did not come up with tangible reasons for this insensitive action but we chose not to go that part or at least be the one who does things differently.

Another beautiful scenario I remember vividly was one cool evening, I was on the phone with someone I hold in high esteem, and as the conversation got deeper, she got quite emotional.

She opened up telling me how she was bullied by three women who were friends with her, she had been friends with them for a couple of years at the time this incident happened. She was experiencing a dark phase trust me when I say as a woman this phase especially the dark ones is inevitable. All the phases good, bad, ugly, and crazy are the ingredients that make up life so it is okay to embrace a phase, learn from each and evolve

Let’s go back to the story

She confided in one of them, who spoke to the other two. She didn’t tell me exactly the phase but from the tone of her voice, I could tell it was something she was not proud of or comfortable for too many ears to hear.

She was to attend an event with the friend she opened up to but as a result of reasons beyond her control that day she told her friend to go alone and that she was going to meet up with her there, only for her to go there to find a reserved spot for her next to other friends of hers obviously they were not really her friends; you know those people you know but you don’t really know them like that, exactly! you get my points now.

Anyway, she sat there like a baby who was tucked into her mother’s wrapper without her permission.

After exchanging pleasantries, she started hearing whispers from the ladies who did not consider that she sat there.

Followed with laughter, as if to say that they knew her life story, they kept talking.

She felt ashamed!!!

Your guess is as good as mine, her friend she confided in had related the matter with her permission.

I am certain you can relate to this scenario, she ended up leaving the event feeling infuriated and depressed.

Women do this a lot to themselves, we hear things about other women and we are quick to judge them.

Why is she like this?
Why does she look like that?
She’s not classy
She does not speak fluently
She is this, she is that!

We need to take a break already!

Commot your eye

If you must keep staring at that woman, do that intending to help, support and love her.

Let us stop the judgement.

Sending hugs!!!

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